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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0793c38.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  147KB  |  457x345  |  8-bit (223 colors)
Labels: grandstand | monitor | sky | window
OCR: LEADING HOME-EOUITY LINES IN THE LARGEST METRO AREAS Rate Rate Mxxir Telenho Beeior Instifutios Polutr ralc aambr TAillanta Paman HUeg stes 0005 404-253-5017 Ballimore TOE 24.00 410 237. .5900 Boston Sravm 390 Prre 11.50 None 00 500-742-9698 Chicaso 4.1.00 15.00 312-836-6550 Cloveland sthre 1.00 50o 216-932. -7220 Denver BanOneDeter TO NOF 303-230-4030 Detrolt Mchigar Sationay 50 Prr 1.2.00 NT 313. -357-1339 Ls Angeles faank PrTP .2.00 B0O 318 790.0900 Miamt Bark +200 NOTE B.CO 305-577-7333 Minncapolis Prme 2.00 21.73 612-310-3030 New York City Pede-al 6.0 Prme 11.63 5.95 516- -327-7800 NR Jorsuy Prime +1.00 7.00 800-243-5463 Philadelphia Sank 6TC THIL-400 SNG 21.00 830-518-5329 Phoanix 10 5.0 602-640-3732 Pittaburgh Gratanareal Prane 1.20 15.00 112-882 -3800 St Louis Pn+10 20.09 31..28 -1 ...